
Training crows to bring objects can be a unique and rewarding experience. Crows are incredibly intelligent birds, and engaging with them in this way can foster a deeper connection with nature. Additionally, this skill can be both entertaining and potentially useful, offering a creative way to diversify your income stream or simply enjoy a fascinating hobby.



  • A bucket or another container
  • Food rewards (such as peanuts or bread crumbs)
  • A piece of string or rope
  • Optional: Crow box for more structured training

Section A: Find a Trustworthy Crow

  1. Locate an Area: Find a place where crows are commonly seen.
  2. Observe and Select: Choose a crow that appears comfortable around humans. Look for one that shows no fear and seems receptive to your presence.
  3. Build Trust: Regularly feed the crow and speak to it in a soft voice to build trust.

Section B: Training the Crow

  1. Choose an Object: Select a small, interesting object that captivates the crow’s attention, such as a shiny object or a piece of food.
  2. Designate a Training Area: Create a secure and comfortable training area, like a small table or bird feeder.
  3. Introduce the Object: Show the crow the object, allowing it to inspect and touch it. Place the object on the ground and step away.
  4. Reward and Praise: If the crow brings the object back to you, provide a reward and praise it.
  5. Repeat: Continue steps 4-5 until the crow consistently brings the object back to you.
  6. Increase Distance: Gradually increase the distance between you and the object. Introduce other objects as the crow becomes more comfortable.
  7. Be Patient: Training takes time. Maintain consistency and patience throughout the process.



  • Enjoyable Experience: Training crows can be a fun and engaging activity.
  • Build Trust: Develop a unique bond with these intelligent birds.
  • Practical Use: Crows can be trained to bring useful objects, adding a practical element to the training.
  • Potential Income Stream: This skill could potentially be monetized in creative ways.


  • Practice Patience: It may take time for the crow to understand what you want.
  • Use Lightweight Objects: Make it easier for the crow to carry them.
  • Take Breaks: If the crow becomes frustrated, take a break and resume training later.
  • Consistency: Regular training sessions yield better results than sporadic ones.

Troubleshooting and Challenges

  • Lost Interest: If the crow loses interest or drops objects, try using more enticing rewards or a variety of objects.
  • Inconsistent Behavior: If the crow doesn’t consistently bring objects back, reinforce earlier steps with rewards and gradually reintroduce the concept.

Building Trust and Safety

  • Safety First: Ensure the safety and well-being of the crows throughout the training process. Avoid causing harm or distress.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Use rewards and praise to build trust and encourage desired behaviors.

Training Frequency

  • Regular Sessions: Consistently train the crow, adhering to a regular schedule to reinforce learning and enhance progress.

Alternative Training Methods

  • Clicker Training: Consider using clicker training or behavior shaping for a different approach.


Training crows to bring objects is a fascinating and rewarding endeavor. With patience, consistency, and the right approach, you can successfully teach a crow this unique skill. By fostering trust and using positive reinforcement, you’ll build a bond with these intelligent birds and enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to training crows to bring objects, enriching your life with a unique and engaging experience.